WP8 - Outreach, Dissemination & Exploitation

The main goal is to promote NAUTILUS and its results as far as and as effectively as possible to all relevant stakeholders and to identify key exploitable results towards the further marketability and emission reduction in maritime transport, mainly in cruise ships.

8.1 WP Leader

8.2 Tasks and Outputs

Webpage, social media interaction, PR messages & videos

Workshops and stakeholders’ engagement activities

  • Recognizing the importance of disseminating information to the appropriate stakeholder audience, two workshops were planned to showcase the project's achievements and highlight its benefits.

Figure 1: Workshop: Potential and challenges of innovative power systems and synthetic fuels for emission reduction in waterborne transport

  • The first workshop took place in June 2022 in Lucerne, Switzerland. It focused on the potential and challenges of innovative power systems and synthetic fuels for emission reduction in waterborne transport. A summary
  • The second event, Sustainable Shipping Days, is scheduled for 1st-2nd July 2024 in Lucerne The objective is to explore and promote advancements in maritime sustainability by integrating of fuel cell-based onboard energy systems and electrolysis technology at ports for fuel supply. More
  • Deliverable D8.3 – Plan for Exploitation and Dissemination of Research IPR strategy – completed
  • Deliverable D8.4 – Workbook for public workshop – completed

IP and positioning development

  • An IPR manager assures IPR strategy and negotiations with Intellectual property offices.
  • Deliverable D8.2 – IPR strategy – completed

Exploitation strategy and support to the technology transfer

  • The goal of this task is to support the patenting and pre-patenting efforts of the industrial partners.
  • Deliverable D8.5 – Exploitation and technology transfer – pending.

8.3 Duration and Status

  • Months 1 - 54
  • Status – in progress


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Last updated: November 16, 2023