Work Packages

To oversee the project, it is divided into eight work packages, each led by a different consortium partner:

WP No. Name Leader Objectives
1 Project management & coordination DLR Work package dedicated to project management duties and requirement to lead and coordinate the consortium, ensure the decision enabling process is applied, facilitate and chair project meetings and act as the communicative interface between the EC and the consortium.
2 Requirement analysis MAN Main aim of this package is definition of requirements for the energy system and genset that will be developed. These include technical requirements and restrictions, regulatory constraints, and market requirements. As a final result, key performance indicators will be defined which are most relevant for the system design.
3 Genset system engineering & proof of concept DLR Third work package involves system engineering of the hybrid SOFC-Battery genset, optimization of the sizing of the SOFC and Battery unit and design validation of the SOFC-Battery hybrid genset. Finally, development of virtual genset simulator for the ship integration and Engineering proposal for multi-MW genset for ship integration.
4 Ship integration MW Main goals of this work package is development of layout of engine room with genset, preparation of layouts, designs and P&ID for connecting genset with auxiliary systems, supply systems, electrical and thermal systems of ships and development of digital demonstrator of integrated ship energy system with the genset.

Control strategy and grid connection

RWTH In this WP, a control strategy for the operation of the hybrid genset consisting of a fuel cell system and battery system and its schematic grid connection will be examined and developed.
6 Functional demonstrator MAN The main objective of this work package is the design and construction of a functional demonstrator. The demonstrator will have a total power of >60 kWe including batteries and fuel cells; of which 60 kWe will be from fuel cells. The second aim is to connect the developed genset demonstrator to the electrical grid and operate it for 3 months with LNG.
7 Technology impact analysis TUD This work package is dedicated to determination of the genset performance using future renewable fuels for green transport, techno- economic analysis of the genset, emission analysis of the proposed genset and its life-cycle analysis.
8 Outreach, dissemination & exploitation GG The main goal is to promote NAUTILUS and its results as far as and as effectively as possible to all relevant stakeholders and to identify key exploitable results towards the further marketability and emission reduction in maritime transport, mainly in cruise ships.