Project Timeline

WP Name Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5
  Quartale   1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2
1 Project management & coordination (DLR)
  General project coordination                                    
  Day to day project level management                                    
  Quality assurance and risk management                                    
  Resource coordination                                    
  Data management plan implementation                                    
2 Requirement analysis (MAN)
  Delta Analysis – Comparison of different technologies                                    
  Market requirements, technical target specifications & KPIs                                    
  Safety and Regulatory requirements                                    
3 Genset system engineering & proof of concept (DLR)
  Genset process system engineering and validation                                    
  Hydrid genset sizing and design                                    
  Fuel cell module assembling and operation                                    
  Hybrid fuel cell + battery PoC build-up & operation                                    
  Virtual genset simulator                                    
4 Ship integration (MW)
  On-board assembly strategy                                    
  Auxiliary and supply systems integration                                    
  Electrical and thermal ship integration                                    
  Energy simulation- digital demonstrator                                    
5 Controls strategy, grid connection (RWTH)
  Battery management unit                                    
  Unitized control unit for hybrid genset                                    
  Integration with on board grid and ICE                                    
6 Functional demonstrator (MAN)
  Process, mechanical and electrical design                                    
  System manufacturing, assembly & software programming                                    
  Demonstrator site preparation                                    
  Installation and operation of demonstrator                                    
  Fuel cell testing on inclination pod                                    
7 Technology impact analysis (TUD)
  Future fuels analysis & deployment                                    
  Techno-economic analysis                                    
  Life cycle assessment                                    
  Emission analysis                                    
8 Outreach, dissemination & exploitation (GG)                                    
  Webpage, social media interaction, PR messages & videos                                    
  Project meetings and Workshops                                    
  IP and positioning development                                    
  Exploitation strategy and support to the technology transfer                                     


Last updated: October 27th, 2023