Sustainable Shipping Days 2024: Propelling Maritime Sustainability through Fuel Cell Innovation

The Sustainable Shipping Days 2024 (SSD) conference is organized for the first time this year alongside the well-established European Fuel Cell Forum (EFCF) in partnership with the NAUTILUS project.

The Sustainable Shipping Days 2024 will take place at the Culture and Convention Centre Lucerne (KKL) in Lucerne, Switzerland, on July 1-2, 2024, followed by the European Fuel Cell Forum (July 2-5, 2024) and the technical exhibition (July 2-5, 2024) offering the opportunity to see new systems and their components, new materials, and innovations.

Sustainable Shipping Days focus on the application of fuel cell-based energy systems in the maritime industry, aiming to explore and promote advancements in maritime sustainability. This conference will specifically focus on the integration of fuel cell-based onboard energy systems and electrolysis technology at ports for fuel supply, highlighting their potential to power ships, enhance energy efficiency, and reduce shipping emissions.

Taking place over one day, SSD will bring together experts, industry leaders, and researchers in the fields of fuel cell technology and electrolysis, chaired by Dr Syed Asif Ansar, Head of the Department of Energy System Integration at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). His expertise in reducing carbon intensity in waterborne and airborne transport sectors, with a focus on fuel cell and battery powertrains, hydrogen generation, and electrolyser technologies, will provide valuable insights for attendees.

Program Highlights

The SSD program is designed to be engaging and dynamic, featuring high-level keynotes and the unveiling of results from national and EU projects such as the NAUTILUS project, which aims to develop a low-emission energy system for large passenger ships. The agenda includes pre-event gatherings on July 1st. The whole day program of July 2nd will consist of four thematically clustered topics:

  • I. Demonstrators and operations
  • II. Green marine fuels production
  • III. Advanced propulsion systems
  • IV. Marine fuel cell technology

Attendees will also have the exclusive opportunity to engage with the Electrolyser & Fuel Cell Forum (EFCF) 2024 community at the EFCF-Welcome Reception on the evening of July 2nd, extending the SSD conference experience.

The Sustainable Shipping Days 2024 will be held alongside the European Fuel Cell Forum, which is attracting around 500 attendees. This offers further opportunities to meet researchers and industry members in the fields of high-temperature Fuel Cells, Electrolysers, & H2, as well as to visit the accompanying on-site technology exhibition.

Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to be part of the conversation and contribute to the future of sustainable shipping.

⇒ Register now to secure your place at SSD 2024 and join the journey towards a greener and more efficient maritime industry.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 861647.

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NAUTILUS is a short for Nautical Integrated Hybrid Energy System for Long-haul Cruise Ships.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 861647.