Missed the Sustainable Shipping Days 2024?

Sustainable Shipping Days 2024 brought together industry leaders, innovators, and enthusiasts for a day filled with insightful presentations, dynamic discussions, and valuable networking opportunities. Whether you were unable to join us or simply want to revisit the highlights, please go to the PublicZone where key presentations and previews of interesting contributions are made available for free. 

To access all available full-length streams of the recorded sessions, go to the MemberZone. Former EFCF participants can easily login as a member and view the year of attendance and before. If you are not already a member, please register first for EFCF membership and get all the access rights.

A summary article is available here.

The program of the SSD 2024 (download the SSD2024 program in pdf)

Look out for upcoming information about forthcoming SSD 2026 - here

Note in your agendas: SSD 2026: 29-30 June 2026 !!!