Media Kit

Project Leaflets NAUTILUS A4 Leaflet (English) - web format Download
  NAUTILUS A4 Leaflet (English) - web format with QR code Download
  NAUTILUS U Folded Leaflet (English) - web format Download
  NAUTILUS mini-leaflet in the envelope size (English) - web format Download
  NAUTILUS Leaflets (zip) - ready-to-print version Download
Work Package Leaflets Factsheet WP 1 - Project Management & Coordination Download
  Factsheet WP 2 - Requirement Analysis Download
  Factsheet WP 3 - Genset System Engineering & Proof of Concept Download
  Factsheet WP 4 - Ship Integration Download
  Factsheet WP 5 - Control Strategy and Grid Connection Download
  Factsheet WP 6 - Functional Demonstrator Download
  Factsheet WP 7 - Technology Impact Analysis Download
  Factsheet WP 8 - Outreach, Dissemination & Exploitation Download
Visual Identity NAUTILUS Branding Manual Download
  NAUTILUS Project Logo Symbol Version Download
  NAUTILUS Project Logo - with name of the project Download
  NAUTILUS Theme Colours Download